Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:03
Grifter: See above
Deathstroke: An assassin and anti-hero and villain - usually ends up in the rankings among good villains - who gained powers through the military and their attempts to create super soldiers. Came about in Teen Titans as a mercenary before getting his own run.
Pretty standard powers of extra strength, speed and agility - the usual, but is tactical genius is his best strength -seen arguments of people pitting him vs Batman for tactical mentality - personally I think their meet up says it all - wont spoil anything for anyone.
Demon Knights: Medieval, supernatural, swords, sorcery and superhero comic. I think is the best way to summarise it from what I've seen 
It's a very easy to start on comic as Cornell has said you need no knowledge of characters to pick this one up. But you have some interesting characters put in to this like Etrigan (Demon) who is from hell but fights for good, but the main thing is Cornell has a way of making anything work - and it's very focused on characters and building a reader connection with the characters and the times they're going through. Probably a really bad paragraph on it but it's a tough one to try talk about 
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:04
I fancy picking 'All Covers' for a title, probably a Bat title, anyone have any ideas? Did people know the JL covers before they came out for instance?
Edit: While I don't mind paying a fiver, I don't want to get stung for a £15 or possibly two lots of £15 extra if I pick Batman and Detective for instance.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:05
My mate said I should buy the Morrison Action Comics, and I didn't listen, so with your added recommendation, and wanting some Bat based variants, I have emailed Economic Comics with this:
....we will see if that is 'doable'.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:06
Morrison is one of my favourite writers, I would definitely buy comics on the strength of his writing - Batman RIP, Final Crisis, Batman and Robin (First 16), JLA, and as mentioned All-Star Supes... I have high hopes for Action Comics and for me it's one of the few I'm really excited about, I'm sure you wont be disappointed!
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:07
It's only Batman and Batman Odessey (starting next month, 7 part mini series) that's getting variant covers in October and November. Justice League will be getting a 1:25 and a 1:200 variant for issues 2 and 3.
Edit: Batman 2 and 3 will also be getting a 1:200 variant so could be costly if you have alot of luck.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:07
I'm looking forward to it, not long now!
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:08
I also think you'll be lucky to get a variant cover (even just the 1:25) for £5. The variant for JL #1 cost me £12.99 - which I think was a little excessive, but the last time I bought variant covers was back in the days of Messiah CompleX and I think I paid around £8.99 then...
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:09
Indeed, the VCs are expensive because they have great collector value, it's an investment and you need to be very selective on which ones you get 
I've never really gone for them myself, but I have been tempted.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:10
£12.99 is reasonable I think, I've seen them go for alot more on eBay and if you stuck the 1:25 on eBay I really wouldn't be suprised if you got more than £12.99 for it, say £20, probably more.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:11
So as we've had such little discussion on JL #1 should we have a thread for discussing the stories, art, our opinions and such of the actual comics, or should we just post it here in spoiler tags?