Inked Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:58

What will likely happen with me, is that I'll buy a couple of digital copies, decide that I actually want the physical copy, and pay over the odds for the back issues on eBay. So it would actually have worked out cheaper just to have bought the physical copy in the first instance!

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:58


You've jsut saved yourself some money, go order your physical copies now 

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:58

I've ordered the lot as I never got into DC stuff in the past so I don't know which I'll like. Saying that I'll be having a major cull after the first issues to get them down to an affordable level.

I'm aiming to get the number down to ten or so which could be difficult if more than that get me hooked.

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:59

If it helps dude, I've got all 52 #1's on order with Midtown, and about 16 or so titles subscribed to with Economic Comics.

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:59

I was tempted to get the lot but I missed the good prices for them at most places and now I don't think I want them all anyway.

That's the problem, the 25 I've ordered I can see myself wanting to carry on, unless they don't live up to expectations... Fingers crossed I can save myself some money by not liking some 

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:59

I'm hoping the same thing which is a bit strange as I don't normally buy things and then hope that they are crap

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:59

Said without a hint of jealousy? 

How could you not want an entire set of 52 #1's from a (potentially short-lived) DC Reboot?

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:00

I get the feeling Superman will be a big let down. I refuse to buy it because they stole his trunks 
Actually that's a huge lie as I can't stand the people who complain about that and is one of the reasons I went for it 
But I'm not a fan of Perez as a writer, if he was doing the art - it'd be a dead cert for the lot for me. At least the covers are nice, eh 


I... I...



But no, seriously, I considered buying them not purely for collection purpose but also reading and I have reasons for each one why I've not gone for them, if you want my reasons for any (or all) then ask me which and I will get round to it this evening 

Be warned it could start a rant.

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:00

As someone new to comics I see this as a great jumping on point but I've always thought I would like Marvel more. So I need to cull my list to under 10 so i can add some marvel titles to bring it back up to 10 comic subs.

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:41:00

I want to hear(read) this forthcoming rant. I have no exp in who's a good writer or artist or even what superheroes are worth reading so I'm a sponge for all people opinions that i can then recycle as my own!
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