FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:56

I'm looking forward to JLI, became a fan during Brightest Day. It'll be interesting to see what way they go with it. Gutted there's no Captain Atom/Blue Beetle though, still, a Green Lantern more than makes up for it. 

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:56

So I've updated my sub to the following 11 comics. I will be doing a cull after the first couple of issues.

Action Comics (DCNU)
Batman (DCNU)
Batman The Dark Knight (DCNU)
Detective Comics (DCNU)
Flash (DCNU)
Green Lantern (DCNU)
Green Lantern Corps (DCNU)
Green Lantern New Guardians (DCNU)
Justice League (DCNU)
Red Lanterns (DCNU)
Superman (DCNU)

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:56

I've got those on my list too, but also have all the Justice League titles, Grifter (better be damned awesome!!!) and Stormwatch. I've also got Wonder Woman on there, just to see what it's like, but based solely on the first issue cover that I've seen, I probably won't continue with it.

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:57

I will be hopefully cutting down on the number of GL's and only having one superman and Batman.

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:57

So if any one is wondering what comes out when this is the complete list i think. According to the DC site they are going to try and keep the comics monthly so they will come out the same week each month.

August 31st
Justice League #1

September 7th
Action Comics #1
Animal Man #1
Batgirl #1
Batwing #1
Detective Comics #1
Green Arrow #1
Hawk And Dove #1
Justice League International #1
Men Of War #1
Omac #1
Static Shock #1
Stormwatch #1
Swamp Thing #1

September 14th
Batman And Robin #1
Batwoman #1
Deathstroke #1
Demon Knights #1
Frankenstein Agent Of Shade #1
Green Lantern #1
Grifter #1 2
Legion Lost #1
Mister Terrific #1
Red Lanterns #1
Resurrection Man #1
Suicide Squad #1 2
Superboy #1

September 21st
Batman #1
Birds Of Prey #1
Blue Beetle #1
Captain Atom #1
Catwoman #1
Dc Universe Presents #1
Green Lantern Corps #1
Legion Of Super Heroes #1
Nightwing #1
Red Hood And The Outlaws #1
Supergirl #1
Wonder Woman #1

September 28th
All Star Western #1
Aquaman #1
Batman The Dark Knight #1
Blackhawks #1
Flash #1
Fury Of Firestorm #1
Green Lantern New Guardians #1
I Vampire #1
Justice League Dark #1
Savage Hawkman #1
Superman #1
Teen Titans #1
Voodoo #1

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:57

This thread makes me feel bad now seeing people narrowing down their choices...

I've ordered quite a few #1s to see how it goes, I will narrow down after that but even so I've ordered just shy of half of them 

Inked Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:57

I'm actually doing the opposite, I am committing to ten titles in physical form, but may pick up more of them digitally

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:57

I still can't get in to digital comics on the most part, I read a few digitally but there's no sense of collection to it for me 

My order includes:

Still torn on All-Star Western #1 and a couple others 

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:57

I begrudge paying £2.49 for the digital comic in Comixology, thats just taking the ****. I understand that although its a digital media there is still a distribution element, but printing and delivery costs are nil, why is it around 20p dearer than buying a physical copy in the shop?

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:58

I read an interview i read with DC about the digital versions earlier, DC Comics Talks Same Day Digital - Comics Feature at IGN

They said that they don't want people changing to Digital comics instead of print they just want to use it as expansion to reach a new market.

They will get cheaper if you willing to wait a month!
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