Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:17
Just noticed that book 12 of the wheel of time is out shortly (02/11/10 - Amazon)
Seriously thinking of starting again and trying to get through the first 11 books again ready for this as it has to be one of my all time favourites
Pretty epic at around 3.5Mn words to date
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:18
Already got my copy on pre-order 
I'm also thinking of starting to read them all again from the start.I'll hopefully have finished them all in time for the last book released next year.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:19
I've gone back to reading these books after stopping halfway thru Book 4 and have nearly finished it now.
Already gotten back into the swing of things and really enjoying it and have already ordered book 5 ready.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:19
IIRC book 5 was one of my favourites,loads of action and a great finale and the pace definitely picks up from books 3/4
It also leads nicely into book 6 where Rands madness really starts to show
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:20
Aren't these a bit dull?I have the first one, but several people have told me his style is awful - pages and pages and pages of descriptions of people and scenery, i.e. basic writing pitfalls.I'm still going to give it a go, but I'm not entirely hopeful...any views? 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:21
Yeah, I'm on 6 I think or 7....and there are parts which I find a chore to read. Lofty descriptions of nothing at all relevant, or events with characters you have no real interest in. But as a series in a whole, the quality is good, especially compared to others that have stretched this long.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:22
Oh, Painted Man first book is awesome.
GRR Marting - he needs to stop messing about and finish the series!
Am re-reading Magician by Feist for about the 6th time...outrageously good book...pity he couldn't repeat the feat with the others.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:22
I agree with all of this 
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:22
Lol Yaz, I am as well, just near the end now and return to work to find the school library have bought the next two in the series as per my request. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:23
I remember the next two being alright but some thieving gypsy has stolen my copy of the 2nd one, and I can't remember who I lent it to....hate it when that happens! Was it your school library by any chance?!