Batman Graphic Novels
Thought I would try and get like minded novels together when not trying to explain various lists to people of recommended reading, so this thread is to list your thoughts and recommendations on Batman Graphic Novels.I myself think Batman is the best Superhero (followed by Daredevil) and he has some fantastic GN - Batman Year One, Dark Knight, Dark Victory/Long Halloween, Killing Joke, and while looking up Batman Hush which is supposed to also be very good, came across this - the 25 Greatest Batman GN.
Adding some that I am missing to my Amazon Wish List now  Hush is a must read, you will not regret it mate!
I love Batman even though I regularly end up in arguments about whether or not he is a superhero or not - you may remember the thread in GC last year  Yep, and ignored it, becuase he is.  I started Return of the Dark Knight but haven't picked it up in a week. Great read so far but just had loads of other stuff going on.
My dad is building an extension at the mo and had a clearout. He brought some old books of mine down. In there were 3 original Batman Vs Predator GNs ! Must be about 15 years old ! I have a lot of original Batman comics, including all the Dark Knights, Year One, Dark Victory, Death in the Family, etc and Batmans from around 400-600ish.
Might have to have a dig out from under the stairs to see what I actually do have stashed away!  Agreed, Year One is still one of my all time fave reads, the art work is something else too  I'm lucky enough to own all the 1st editions of KnightFall, KnightQuest (both The Search and The Crusade) and KnightsEnd - including all the associated Shadow Of The Bat mini-stories that tied in. Got them for £20 on eBay years ago, then when I kicked up a fuss because the seller tried to rape me for delivery charges, he refunded the whole amount(!) so I effectively got them for free... (which was nice, since I'd already owned them, but my parents threw them away when they cleared out their loft - along with what was most likely over £1k's worth of early 90's X titles, Spawn, Avengers and various others... not that I'm;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 )
Anyway, aside from showing off, I really wanted to recommend the KnightFall/KnightQuest and KnightsEnd series (and if you can get your hands on it, read the Shadow Of The Bat stories "The God Of Fear" and "The Tally Man" - both spectacular standalones with Jean-Paul Valley as Batman).
... and he's not a superhero, he's a very naughty boy.  
I like this guy  As in the Messiah? 
Philistine's.... Just as an afterthought - if you're going to read KnightFall, might be worth picking up Sword Of Azreal first, as it introduces Jean-Paul Valley quite superbly, in my opinion.
(Purposely not responding to previous Mod comments - they're clearly designed to make me take the thread off topic and thereby cause an infraction - assuming I don't get one for publicly disagreeing with a Mod on the issue of hero/superhero when he quite clearly isn't because he doesn't have any super powers....) 