Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:20

Super rich, super handsome, beat up super man....


NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:20

I have to say, the pasting he handed Superman in TDKR was pretty spectacular - but you have to admit, it wasn't a straight up fight, there were "other factors", and no telling who'd have won if it came down to the wire and didn't end the way it did (trying desperately not to spoil it for others)...

Doesn't change the fact that he's got no super-powers though - super rich and super handsome can't make you a superhero, otherwise I'd be one too. :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:20

With regards to beating up superman as said above there were implications and it clearly wasn't a fair fight 
It would be like beating Usain Bolt in the 100 meters because someone else tied his laces together 

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:20

Fair, smair.  Its a fight, not an official race with rules 

Other than Luther in the Smallville series with his Kyrptonite bling - didnt he have knuckledusters? (and please, if this was ripped from a comic, I would love to know so I could read them) who has given him a pasting with such panache and without using Kyrptonite from the off?

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:21

The whole Batman vs Superman debate goes on a lot, even still...

Personally I see anyone saying Batman can and has beat Superman or anything along them lines, I just read it as one of a few different possible things that they mean...

1) Batman can beat Superman when Superman isn't prepared and Batman is
2) Batman can beat Superman when there are complications (Poison Ivy - Hush, Nuclear Bomb - DKR... for example)
3) I like Batman the best  (this is a pretty pointless argument and there's no way to argue against it, so perhaps it's best ignored)

Point 1 is true, everyone knows that and has probably read about it, Point two is pretty much the same, however, it would be pretty ignorant to say Superman will always beat Batman in a fair fight and it would be a reverse of point 3 to argue that way, but I think we can honestly say that in a fair fight Superman will take most of the wins, comfortably.

I don't agree when people say that Batman is the master of planning and has endless ways to beat Superman, we know that he has failed after planning many times, such as Hush, Babel, Dark Knight Returns, Red Son - I could go on... (and will do if you so wish - with details)

The only times that Batman has able to get ahead of Superman are when he has acted unlike his usual self, say holding hostages, usually Superman fights back and wins most fights and to be honest the ones where he doesn't don't really seem to be the best written... make of that what you will.

With regards to the kryptonite dusters - I have not seen Smallville so excuse me for not knowing anything about what you're on about here - but I know Batman has a kryptonite ring that Superman gave him... I'm racking my brains here and can't think of anything else it could be... perhaps it's a spin on that? Or maybe I'm missing the obvious.

Can I just point out I'm more of a Batman fan than Superman, however I have to sadly side with the Superman fans on the argument here, as much as I hate to 

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:21

Oh I have no qualms about expecting that in 90% of a showdown between them, Superman would win, my point was that Batman is a Superhero in the first place.

Now, as I have pointed out to my fellow Mod and personal comic stalker Iccz, he is the goddamn batman, and anymore of "Oh no he isnt" nonsense will involve me abusing my mod powers here to change your posts to say he is  

How is Batman a superhero, if he doesn't have any super powers, just fancy gadgets? | Answerbag

Iccz Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:21


I can't think of anyone closer to being a superhero without actually being one. So credit to him for that.
Anyway I think we can harmlessly agree to disagree.

No need to abuse mod powers just because you have a little "superhero" crush on the "super handsome" Batman :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Back on topic, I just looked at the link in the OP and noticed in the honourable mentions: Batman: Child Of Dreams
I've not actually read this yet 
Will have to look for that soon!

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:21

Don't forget "super rich" - it seems Theydon Bois is not above having a shallow, (superficial, if you will), gold-digging crush... 

Also, mentioned in the other Graphic Novel thread, but I picked up Hush and Arkham Asylum - been meaning to read Arkham for years....

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:22

From my Firebox (the box of comics I grab in the event of a disaster and save, probably before waking up the daughter and missus )

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:28:22

Read Hush from cover to cover on Saturday morning (and I mean literally - I even read the Jeph Loeb foreword and Jim Lee afterword, which I often tend to skip). Stunning writing, stunning art, stunning story. Just.. stunning. I know it's been recommended already, but to anyone who is umming and aaahing about whether or not to go for it, just go for it, you won't regret it.

My brother has been working his way through the DC universe chronologically (I don't know the orders, but stuff like Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, 52 and all the books in between working his way up to the Batman: RIP and Battle for the cowl premier hardcovers I got him for Christmas), but he'd missed Hush. I'm now telling him every time I see him (and we live together, so it must be getting tedious for him now!) to start reading it now!
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