AV Forums Book Club?
Would it be a good idea to form an AV Forums book club?Someone picks a book and we all read it and then come back after a couple of weeks when everyone has read it and discuss it for a few days, rate it, say what we thought etc...and then another book is chosen, and so on...It perhaps gives the opportunity to read something we wouldn'tnormally pick up and could help other people thinking about reading whatever book is being discussed...I am crap at organising things but would definitely be up for partaking in something like this if someone wishes to take the lead...? Might be worth raising it in the Books and Literature forum,want me to punt the thread over there? Will there be tea and biscuits?  I'd be up for this - try asking here.  Yes please, I thought I had posted it there...silly me!  Only Mcvities Gold Bars and Ovaltine unfortunately. Wouldn't mind doing this, just getting back into reading having bought a Kindle so I'd be interested in finding out about books I'd not normally read. I've not read for years so there's going to be tons of amazing books out there that I need to catch up on.
I asked this in another thread but worth asking in here too, anyone else using Goodreads? Especially for a book club, I think it's a very good site for learning about new books and it'd be great if we could link in our books and compare what we all liked. Would also make it easier to find books that nobody wishes to read  Not sure I could guarantee to be in it every time it comes round but I'd certainly be up for giving it a go when I can 
Especially as there is ovaltine involved! If it coincides with a book I have in my stack already  Isn't the idea of a book club to get more people reading a wider variety of books though? To try new things etc?