1LeeDenton Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:31

I'll be sourcing a [-]cheap[/-] well priced physical copy, so might need a couple of days to get one delivered.....are we going to have an official 'start reading' date that we're all happy with??

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:31

People will have different pacing, different time available.

Better off by either posting your comments with spoiler tags, or better still, keep this thread clean for suggestions, and everyone type their review into a thread that is titled the same as the book (eg AVF BC Review: Hard Landing by Stephen Leather) we are reviewing. That way you are writing in the thread at the time you have finished it, and only reading other peoples comments once you have read it for yourself.

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:32

This sounds like the plan!

I'm going to order one of those cheap £0.01 £2.80 postage ones used of amazon.co.uk now! may also sneak an order in of the new Rise Against album at the same time SWMBO will never know.

Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:33

Yes, I like the Review thread idea, which eliminates the spoiler problem entirely, well, for those of us who resist having a peek before finishing the book 

Regards end deadline, maybe we just set the schedule for choosing the next book in this thread using a method similar to Decadences post below and leave the review thread to manage itself:

So if we say 3 weeks* from Friday 25th, gives us the week Friday 15th to 22nd April to see who's in for the next one, choose the new book from Decadences suggestion list and ample time to discuss this months book in parallel. Any late readers can still discuss the Stephen Leather book even if the new book has been chosen.

*Just a suggestion, which gives a full month turnaround for the first go..

mikeycubed Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:34

Any chance I could join in with this too guys? In the middle of reading Conn Iggulden's latest Genghis book but I could stick this on the Kindle and read this too. Quite like the idea of reading some books I would usually pass on and having a wee discussion on here with you fine folks

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:35

There is not finite list of members mate - if you get the book and read it, then contribute away!

Dazimus Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:36

Are we decided on the Leather book then? I'll grab it from Amazon now but still got half of Dragon Tattoo to read so I reckon I'll be able to start it by next Monday?

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:37

I hope so as I'm already about 60 pages in

Dazimus Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:37


Initial thoughts then?

Solomon Grundy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:38

Yep, good plan...see how we get on with this one...as for timings etc we'll get a better idea as things progress.Gives me time to come up with my suggestions too!
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