Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:08

Yes, but my point is that if I can't read books I bought because I want to read them, I am hardly likely to buy books to read that someone else is telling me to buy 

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:09

I'd possibly be up for this but I too have a large stack of books that I'm currently trying to get through so I'd have to be interested in the suggested books which probably defeats the purpose of the club.

FruitBat Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:09

Perhaps everybody interested in this should submit a list of books in their personal "to read" queue.A list of the most popular could be derived from this. Looking at the "I am currently reading thread", I think you may have to have several book clubs on the go to cater for different genres.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:09

I have the last couple of books from the following authors in my pile.

Conn iggulden
Raymond Feist
Terry Pratchett
Joe Abercrombie many comics, to many games, Fronter Admin on top of my normal work, Tv and films to watch. I do have cycles, and will be back on books again soon. 

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:10

After looking at my stack which mainly contains Stephen King books that I got cheap I'm not really in a rush to read any of them so I'm happy to read anything suggested. Maybe we should have some ground rules though such as no more than x amount of pages and no books from partway through a series.

BT Bob Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:10

If it's a book you think you'd like you could buy it. If it's a book you're not convinced enough about to part with your hard-earned...... there's always the local library! Use 'em while you still can!!!

Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:11

Good idea, I understand people may have a to read list, but the best way to kick this off will be to get a book suggested and see who's in for reading it. I'd personally recommend a mid length book to start with so people don't get put off by a war and peace type read. Also one that is widely available so people do have the option of library / charity purchase if possible.

I think you may struggle trying to find a book everybody already has in their collection, so maybe if you start off with a 3-4week deadline, it won't impact peoples personal reading too much..

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:12

Yeah, I'd be up for this.

I have a large to read stack that I'm getting through well lately due to my very little gaming time and a 6hr transfer time on my snowboarding holiday last week. But I'm willing to set these all aside and pick up what is recommended.

I think we need to make a list of who is up for this then they could take it in turn suggesting books. Prob when it's your turn to pick a book you suggest three and then the group votes on which one to read.

1LeeDenton Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:13

Sounds like a great idea guys - I'd be up for it 

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:25:14

I like the three book suggestion and I'm currently scouring Amazon to see what takes my fancy.
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