Orlando recommendations
Hi everyoneIn the very early stages of planning a holiday of a lifetime to Florida, this summer.
Looking for some suggestions of family activites, 4 of us - kids aged 17 and 12.
Disney, SeaWorld, Universal etc all expected along with any stuff like Crocodile experiences, Everglades, Boat rides, Kennedy etc etc
Thanks and look forward to some good ideas and planning our 14 day trip! We went back in 2009 and 2015 and stayed in a villa both times and hired a car. Gave us flexibility and was much cheaper then staying at the disney resorts.. Davenport is lovely and villas are plentiful but not cheap. Bonuses must be back! Pearsonly I'd avoid the summer. It's hot and busy. Could you do October half term? Much less busy with somewhat cooler weather. Don't plan to much as you'll be totally knackered being out each day. I'd plan a day off every few days to recharged your batteries. Agreed, I know Florida well and never mind the heat, the mid-Summer humidity is unbearable unless you are used to it. Add another 7 days on to your holiday 
John... Yep, go later and for longer.....
(I had just over 5 weeks in Nov-Dec.Glorious but for two spells of <2 days when there was some rain).
Expect that, having been on the one trip of a lifetime, you will need to go again, next year, the year after (and so on).
If in Orlando and "doing" attractions and shopping - in fact you don't need a car.I'm not denying the huge convenience, but aside from the rent and insurance - expect to be extorted for parking at all attractions as well.The point is - if money matters, it can be done without for a lot less.Your daily trips will take longer, so what you need to replace the money, is time and patience. I'd definitely go for the villa and car hire option. I've done this a few times now, although sadly not for a couple of years now, it works out far cheaper than a hotel etc.
You get the flexibility and comfort of having your own place to go back to at the end of the day when you are completely knackered!
The villas are dirt cheap, surprised at the comment that the Davenport villas were pricey, you can get some bargains. Try ownersdirect. You can get some fantastic places with your own pool (which is an essential). The Davenport/Kissimmee area is perfect for Disney.
14 days is the perfect length if you have never been before.
I'd agree with the other comments, the summer is not a pleasant time to be there. Have you thought of the two weeks at Easter? I did that two years ago and the first week was busy as the us schools were off, but the second week was like everyone had disappeared, it was very quiet and great for the parks.
Don't try and do all of the different parks as you won't get your money's worth. I'd pick Disney and do those. Disney often do the offers where you pay for 7 days and get the next 7 included free. You will not want to do a park every day, it's just too tiring. The full Disney ticket gives you all the parks including the water parks which for me were the best part. When you add in a air boat ride and the must see Kennedy Space centre, you won't have time to do the Universal and Seaworld parks. Save that for when you go back in a few years time and you will go back!
Just remember that the bulk of the holiday cost will be the flights. During school holiday times they ramp the price up, so if you are looking at coatings get the flight costs first, then add a villa, car and the Disney tickets. There are some great places to eat and dirt cheap too, so a villa is really a great option. Every time I have been I have stayed on International Drive. A lot of the hotels have shuttle buses to the theme parks.
We never really see the hotel room, out early morning and back 8-9 pm. Then get showered changed and out to one of the restaurants on international drive for a meal and a couple of drinks.
A couple of times we have been we have left out the Disney parks. Universal, Islands of Adventure, Sea world and Busche Gardens are a lot better than the Disney parks.
To try to fit all the Disney, Universal, water parks, shopping and everything else into 2 weeks will be hard work 