Cocksure Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:34

Is this a Brake Pipe Replacement or Repair?

Just after a simple yes or no as everything can be argued both ways. If it's a repair then I will hire an expert witness, if it's a replacement then I know not to

I am currently in dispute with a Ford dealership in Leeds over work done
Advice on Ford dealership questionable repairs?
and i would just like to know how much of an issue this is before i take things further. Apologies for starting another thread, its simply been done so as people in the know can answer the one question without it getting lost on the other thread.

It was evident that at least one of the front to rear brake pipes had been replaced. This had been joined to the frontal central area. The pipes had been sprayed with a black paint substance and as such we were unable to assess their condition. There was no evidence of any further replacement of the front brake pipes


We were unable to confirm if the offside rear brake pipe hose had been replaced as this was contaminated with road dirt and debris.

A 100 miles had taken place between the work and the inspection.

So my questions are
1) is joining to the Frontal central area a replacement of brake pipes (i paid for both front and back pipe replacement) or is it a repair, especially as the left parts where sprayed with paint?

2)Granted a 100 miles had taken place in between but surely even covered with dirt it should be obvious if the offside rear brake pipe had been replaced?

But i'm not a mechanic so i might well be wrong on the above. Am I?

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:35

Important point: there is a difference between a brake pipe (metal, probably silver or copper coloured)) and a brake hose (usually black rubber).

Can you post exactly what the Ford Quote/Invoice said they were going to do/had done?

Sorry that's not a yes or no, but that report is so non-committal as to be positively unhelpful.

Cocksure Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:36

Can do in a few hours  unfortunately this is all outside of my knowledge area 

The confirmation of no evidence of further brake pipe replacement is enough for a claim, it just comes down to how much of a claim to go for

In regards the report it's a typical cover your arse report with what the guy said to me and what is written being different. Can't say I'm that surprised.

It's enough for now to highlight the possible question marks, but I think it is safe to say that a 2nd report will be required with everyone present that really exams them.

However the fact that it is in question and what the guy verbally said tells me that it's safe to continue with

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:36

It did read a bit like a House Survey :"We couldn't tell whether the floorboards were rotten because they have fitted carpets". 

Cocksure Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:36

The Lab quantity is for 3 items, but i have been charged for 8 nut brake pipes and 40 feet (12m) of brake pipe, so i think it answers that question

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:36

Isn't LAB 3 for 3 hours work?just as it was 0.10 to change 2 pedal rubbers and 0.6 to do the back door handle.

un1eash Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:36

When replacing brake pipes they very rarely replace with what came from the factory which is a rigid pipe with a plastic coating, very hard to transport so they use copper pipe by the foot and bend it too shape.
The nuts and connectors are replaced as best practice as removing the old ones usually results in them being damaged as they become very corroded over time.

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:36

If they are replacing 8 nuts then there should? be 4 new pipes, which you'd think would be easy to ascertain.

Cocksure Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:37

OK I got that and as long as its an approved method (which i assume it is) then i have no issue with that part of things.

Its the charge for 40 feet of pipe that i have a question with, that a lot of pipe if you are only replacing sections but not if you where replacing all of it (as was made out to me). But i have to go on what the bill says, so need the clarification (sorry)

mjn Publish time 25-11-2019 00:02:37

You don’t replace brake pipe by sections?

I thought you replace the entire length?

So if you have two rear pipes that need replacing, i can easily see how 40ft of copper pipe can be used.
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