Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:13
If you bought it ftom vat registered motor dealer then the onus will be on them to prove that the fault wasn’t with the car when they sold it. I’ve just been through a similar issue with a gearbox in my wife’s ML and I won, garage had to give a full refund on the car or repair it so i got my money back.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:13
Legally the selling garage have to give a warranty, they might refuse to cover costs etc but the law is on your side. Small claims court etc.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:14
He bought it more than six months ago, I would have thought that the garage's liability if any would have run out without purchasing an additional extended warranty.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:15
read this
The second-hand car I bought has a problem, what are my rights?
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:16
"If there's a problem with a second-hand car soon after you've bought it - for example, the car develops a problem you wouldn't expect for its age and mileage"
"But after the first six months, the onus will be on you to prove that the fault was present from the day you bought the car."
Neither of those bode well...
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:17
Well if you have "an expert" report.
I have did that some years ago and it went through small claims court, we won.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:17
Was it an Jaguar XFR 5.0L V8 with a possibly to be expected level of wear and tear to the chains at the time of purchase?Bear in mind the OP has already taken advice and been told the garage isn't liable (not sure from who though).
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:18
no it was a saab 9000 turbo.
easy to go to citizen advice bureau and ask, also OP needs to approach garage with all the details, reports etc. dont be fobbed off etc.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:19
I would still talk to garage ask them to foot the bill.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:01:20
Don't ask, don't get 