NooBish AbbZ 92
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:00
I did 160mph in Germany last year just to see what it was like. Pretty fudgeing quick, as it turns out. On the unrestricted areas I was generally sitting at about 85 on cruise contol.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:00
Missus said her F30 3-series was a little “flighty” above 115mph.
My nearly slammed E90 was rock stable at 150mph. 
NooBish AbbZ 92
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:00
Comfortable and solid as a rock. 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:01
Not a maximum speed, but there should ought to be a minimum speed on the motorways.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:01
I've been driving since about 1980 and I don't recall ever seeing a minimum speed limit sign.
I think that 50mph in lane 1 would be about right for a minimum speed limit on motorways as HGVs can overtake you. Anything much lower would be ridiculous and could be construed by the Police as driving without due consideration for other road users.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:01
Tunnels quite often have minimum speed limit signs.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:01
That explains it, last time I remember being in a tunnel of any length was in 1981 (Blackwall Tunnel).
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:01
Problem with minimum speed limits is they need to be variable depending on road/weather conditions. But I do agree that there should be a minimum speed in good conditions. 56mph sounds good to me, then we could ban HGVs from overtaking as well.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:02
I don't think I'd fancy HGVs tailgating me if I'm doing 56mph.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:45:02
Depends a bit if you can't go faster or you won't go faster.
If you're travelling at 35mph in an old vehicle or an abnormal load then it's a lot safer to make the journey on a three lane motorway than a single carriage way where everyone would be forced to trail along and try to overtake if and when they could.
I often use the A47 from Norfolk to the A1 and some of the overtaking risks have to be seen to be believed.
I sometimes see people on the motorway who are travelling slower than the speed limited HGVs who could probably be going faster - while they're a momentary inconvenience they're not that big a problem to me.