Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:53
do a search on premier park or read over on MSE newbie Private Parking Ticket FAQS
If you decide to write or communicate, just remember to write as Keeper. Never ever write as a Driver.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:54
I have no problem paying up if i did stay over the stay limit but I truly believe I didn't so I am saying the time is wrong, I have sent them a letter to say this asking for evidence that it was working properly.
If it turns out that I did stay that long then wow what was going on that day, I did have a hospital appointment so I wasn't with it 100% Not nice being poked in the eyes and having lasers burning off things in your eyes.
I will update this when i get anything back from them. 
Greg Hook
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:54
I think that answers it.
You’ll probably end up paying the higher amount now.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:54
haha if I was on my own then yes maybe I stayed for that long but as I had someone with me I just can't see myself being in there for that long.
You can appeal and they will look at it again but if they still say it stands and I take to a independent place for a appeal then I loose getting the lower amount.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:54
Where was the eye appointment and when, and where did you park for that?
If this is the parking you used for it:
1. Don't mention that in your defence unless the facility is on the shopping estate, it will be against carpark Ts&Cs.
2. You can soon lose a couple of hours in a medical waiting room.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:54
I parked in the hospital car park 15 minutes away appointment was at 9.20 am
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:55
Not quite true. What you have been issued with is a civil penalty notice. In other words, it's penalty charge for breach of the terms and conditions of parking or in other words, a contractual breach and the penalty is the amount stated by the contractual terms and conditions. So it's entirely a Civil law suit, not a criminal penalty. Note, there usually must be clear signs up warning of the penalty.
It also used to be the case that these weren't legally enforced by the Courts. However, I believe a case last year changed that and these notices are now enforced if the parking was free. I believe it's different for paid parking.
I believe they have to give you a 10 mins grace period if members of certain associations or if it's council owned which may explain the difference. Unfortunately, 3:26 - 10 mins is still more than 3 hours.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:55
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:55
OP, you can easily fight this and win. It's a free car park and £100.00 for overstaying is a complete rip-off. The land owner would not have suffered "loss" by you over staying. You really need to do some research on the site I pointed you to and find out where you stand and how easy it is to defend.
If you don't feel up to the challenge then just pay up while still in the discount period.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:55
If I read this right: Parking Charge Notices - how to avoid and appeal | RAC Drive
If it's paid parking you can avoid it. If it's free, then you probably can't.