IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:49       

I see no evidence the car is entering or leaving though...

lowmans100 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:49

There it is!

_Dragon_ Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:49

That is scary tracking.

On the letter it states I was there for 3:26 hours, Yes the reg is clearly showing on the pictures that was me just blanking them out for here,

The car park is free max stay is three hours, no I don't have a defective brake light I saw that it was just showing one in the picture.

The time stamp is at the top you cant see it on the letter I only saw when I uploaded it to here.

Maybe I should ask for proper pictures of me entering and leaving.

_Dragon_ Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:49

In the last picture if you zoom in you can see the sun visor is down and it does look like me and another person are in the car, it's not clear but if you look hard you can just make it out.

_Dragon_ Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:50

This is the car park, if you zoom in you can see a camera facing the entrance, and you can see another camera near Costa, You see where the motor bike is parked I was parked on the right hand side of the car park.

Google Maps

I can say this is my car I can even say the pictures are me leaving but the exit time is wrong.

noiseboy72 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:50

I am guessing that they have a camera covering the entrance and then record all the vehicles that are still there after the 3 hours have passed. Therefore, a picture of your car parked after the expiry time is valid - provided the information is correct. Did you depart and re-enter the car park? Is this allowed?

Under GDPR, you have the right to require them to supply all information relating to you, including copies of all video and still images. Make the request. They have to supply it within 1 month of the request and in full. Failure to do so is a breach of the regulations and could land them with a substantial fine. Tell them that you cannot consider any payment of any parking charge notice until this information is supplied to you.

If it was me, I would just drag this out as long as possible and use every possible means to prove it is not enforceable. Require them to supply information relating to the correct operation and installation of the cameras. Technical information relating to the communication protocols, a witness statement from the operator, the list goes on. Of course, you will request these things one at a time and with at least 7 days in between each request... Long rambling letters are good, handwritten and ideally in green ink 

_Dragon_ Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:50

I think I will do this I would pay up straight away if I thought I had been parked for the amount of time they are saying, but I really don't believe I spent that long in the car park.

No I didn't enter the car park twice that day, It was such a bad day day I just went back home after I came out of costa.

Lee Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:50

Have a chat withcosta saying you're a regular customer etc and see if they can cancel the fine

blackrod Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:50

How many coffees did you have?

djbsom Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:50

Not wishing to double up on advice already given but
1. You have been sent an invoice, not a parking fine. The differences are more subtle than they were only a few years ago so don't just ignore it. Not that I'm suggesting you were planning to.
2. You may consider approaching the coffee shop and asking for their views. It may not have only happened to you. We stayed in a hotel recently and paid for parking as an extra to the room fee only to receive a parking 'fine' a week later. One quick polite phone later and all sorted.
Personally, if you don't get anywhere with the coffee shop, I'd pay it and get on with enjoying a nice family Christmas.
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