Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:37
Yeh that's why they do need some incentives but having one would be quite smart and not common!
My veloster turbo is still running well, I'm just bored of it now but in comparison to fords, Honda's etc I've owned the service from Hyundai has been excellent and can only assume Kia is the same!
I30n is getting a excellent review but I know in my heart it'll never be as good as my manky unwashed matte veloster....
P.S. never buy a matte car!! Unless you love hand washing!
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:38
As long as it is build like it should for the price. I’m no badge snob at all, but I do recognise the differences. Never forgot that I suggested to my late father in law that he should look at something else. But when we went out to look, from the moment we opened a door we realised a notable difference.
Anyway, get what you want. If you like it then why not. But yes I would expect very high depreciation. So watch out how you buy it.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:38
Here is my take on badge snobbery.This is without having gone into any details of specification, performance, or any test driving.
My expectation (before any of the above) would be that a Kia (such as this) would be better built, more reliable, way better equipped as standard and otherwise just as good (or better) than a similarly priced and pitched BMW, Audi or Jag (or many others).And therefore, were I in the market for a £40k performance saloon, I'd certainly be doing all that research and comparison, but with an incoming bias in favour of the Kia, not against it.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:38
Yeh I think that's all spot in. I can wait another 6 months and see how the depreciation is going.
My old man's got a XFS and it's lovely and the jags got a excellent finish but it's really a 50k'ish car(and as nice as the stinger is, it's not quite a match for the Jag on finish). I don't think BMW, Merc or Audi are really classes as reliable from the horror stories I read but by the time you spec it out the same they're a fortune more!
Saying that tho all comparisons have to be fair. If it lost a chunk in first 9 months, I'd be happy to get one 9-12 month old!
Dave Brand
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:38
That's how I see it, too. However, as an alternative to a (cheap & cheerful) Mustang, no way!
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:38
Last time I looked a year old one was about the same price as new!
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:39
I must admit it looks good
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:39
I had a look at one of these last week. Same problems as most Asian cars, crap interior. Cheap plastics everywhere and the entertainment system 
Jeez, that entertainment system wouldn’t be state of the art in any year! It was beyond awful, like some Chinese knockoff of Windows 3.1.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:39
Which if costs were down on Germanrivals you would accept, however this car starts at 40kwhich will be its achilles heel with little impact on its German rivals
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:12:40
Is it competing with a £40K German rival, or setting it's sights higher? Which almost makes it worse if the interior isn't even up to the "cheaper" German offerings.