ufo550 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:37

At which point do we consent to be pictured, by people taking snaps on their phones in the street? 

aVdub Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:38

When people started lying to their insurers and the innocent picked up the tab, or blame.

Thug Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:39

At which point did we as members of the public consent to being filmed and video'd in every town centre in the country, by every ANPR camera on the street, by every private or commercial CCTV camera on buildings we go passed, by every shop that has security cameras inside of them, by people with mobile phones or cameras or even drones in the street.

The fact is, you cant get away from being filmed/photographed at some point.

nvingo Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:40

Legally, when you're out in public you have no expectation of privacy or to not be photographed.
If your behaviour is impecable, those images are unlikely to be of interest to anybody.

Doug the D Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:41

A ride-out that I sporadically attend has recently put on their facebook page that no riders are welcome that have cameras fitted to their helmets/ bikes. Personally, the 'organisers' or 'admins' can go forth and multiply; I'm not being told what I can and can't do on a ride out with a bunch of strangers. There is a clear reason why they don't welcome cameras on the ride; there are a small group of 'elite' (read: fudging brain-dead) riders that refer to themselves as 'The 180mph club'...
It makes me laugh that every month, they bitch and moan about the police setting up speed traps on the the route we normally use. I can't think why they do that? Maybe all the complaints from locals about knobheads hammering through their villages at high speed and overtaking like lunatics? //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif

aVdub Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:41

I took tips from this site that now allows me to hide nothing when out doing nothing illegal, and not showing my face.

I can recommend it to anyone concerned about being filmed, or photographed when outside the house.

eob Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:42

I find it strange that auto manufacturers don't install cameras as standard kit yet. But I suppose a time will come when all cars have them and they will be used to decide blame.
Although I've been the victim of a 50:50 claim even though the other driver cut the roundabout and caused the crash, I'm still in two minds to have one fitted.
I've seen plenty of people with dashcams who still commit acts of stupidity. I don't agree with the statement that fitting a camera promotes safer driving, certainly not for the owner of the camera (in the majority of cases).

In fact, on most of those YT videos, you can see the point where the camera owner reaches for the "store" button to capture the recklessness that they have just witnessed. I wonder how keen they are to do the same when they pull out in front of someone or make a mistake?

Tempest Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:43

I agree with you.
Given the LARGE cost of cars, the minor extra cost a basic camera fitted to the front/rear windscreens. One would think it would be a good selling point, and the Insurance companies, and Police would be pushing for these.
You could always allow the driver to turn them on/off for privacy reasons if they wished.
Of course some people will always abuse any system, but it might just mean more drivers are a little bit less aggressive to others if they knew cams front and back were standard these days.

aVdub Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:44

Bad one yesterday and noticed an appeal from the police, who are keen if anyone who may have dashcam footage of the incident.

Pretty life changing crash for one young man.

Trollslayer Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:45

If I did get a dashcam I would make sure you didn't have to stop it while driving, it would have a few hours memory that would record in a loop.
Someone must have done that.
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