Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:12
This is the reality of driving at peak times in most parts of the country.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:13
It isn't about speed, it is about being able to stop if something happens,
One thousand two thousand.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:14
He seemed to stop just fine when required to do so, but take your point, but easier to stop at low speed yes?
That’s the trouble with these videos, one persons view is different to someone else’s.
As I said if the intention of the OP is to post these videos/report to the police they are going to be very busy indeed.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:15
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:16
As I say, I have a rear cam now, simple for my safety and to help with any claims if someone drives into the back of one of my cars for the 4th time!
I have a sign on the rear window saying a video camera is recording, so I hope in addition this may tend to make someone who thinks driving close it fine, reads it, keep a bit extra distance than they otherwise might, and reduce the risk of accident for both myself and themselves.
I'm not reporting this to anyone, but it was just something I noticed in my mirror as he was too close, and had been too close for some time, and then spotting him getting out his banana!
Whilst again, some may say, peeling a banana whilst driving a car is not the end of the world, just imagine how different you would think of him, if, whilst on my video, a child ran out and he hit the child as he fumbled the steering wheel and that split second made all the difference.
It's all fine, until something bad happens.
I've only had 2 REALLY stupid people over say the past 2 to 3 years who literally must have thought it was funny to see just how close they could get. One in a car, another in a van, the van being so close all I could see out the back was the white of his bonnet.
I WOULD have reported that one, if I'd had a cam at the time.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:16
First, certainly in Dorset the police often ask for footage.
Second, the reason for specifying time is the time to realise they have to stop then the time to lift the foot off the accelerator, move it to the break and depress the brake pedal.
I was told this by a Traffic Officer BTW.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:16
Not all, but almost every video submitted on here seems to get at least some criticism of the dash cam owners driving  think it's just the nature of forums as someone mentioned the other day in another thread.Slightly OT, but does anyone remember FZR asking for advice on a gps dash cam that he could turn off the speed indicator?
Mr Incredible
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:17
I got one of these Xmas 2017
Can't say I've had the occasion to want to download anything off it either forwards or backwards!
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:18
If you spun one of those cameras around to face backwards,
Would we not get a full screen shot of your Banana should you get it out whilst driving?
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:19
That's a bit forward of you!