Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:04
Thanks for the post, and so sorry to hear what happened.
Yes, being hit in the rear a few months ago, for the 3rd time, in as many cars was what finally got me to actually fit a rear one.
Thankfully unlike yourself each time the other driver has admitted responsibility.
I would be great to hear if someone you contact is able to get any local CCTV footage, but I can accept that's hopeful.
None the less, I wish you all the best and agree that sucks bigtime.
For the sake of £50 or less, it just seems so worth it.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:04
Genuine questions. how is he not in full control when the video shows him maintaining constant spacing speed and manoeuvring around various parked cars ?
If the video captured him losing control and crashing, thenI'd agree. But it doesn't
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:05
That same argument applies to using a mobile phone whilst driving.
'Not in full control' means 'not being in a position to deal with potential foreseeable events', including, say, steering during sudden braking.For a start, he didn't have both hands on the wheel whilst not changing gear or using a switch.
However, it is not illegal per se to eat or drink whilst driving (otherwise, why would cars have a driver's cup holder?).Any prosecutions would have to take account of circumstances.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:06
There is a difference between not being in full control and losing control.
Would you agree that having BOTH hands on the steering wheel has more control than just one hand?
Or would you say that having only one hand on is just as safe as two and offers just as much control?
Or put it another way, if he started peeling and eating a banana on his test would he pass? If not then why?
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:07
Pass it onto the police, that is driving without due care and attention.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:07
Playing devil's advocate, but if the OP was constantly watching this 'idiot' in his rear view mirror, I'd argue he isn't in full control either.
Getting rear ended in your last 3 cars seems excessive too. Are you a hesitant driver?
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:08
It is the responsibility of the driver behind to maintain a safe stopping distance.
As you can see that one didn't.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:09
A good defensive driver, should always be aware of his surroundings; observing a vehicle following too closely in your rear mirror, is good driver skills, to anticipate what might happen in front of you to compensate for the vehicle behind.
Perhaps OP hasn’t be doing this previously. 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:10
I have to say, a couple of weeks ago I went to Ikea Southampton but was late leaving and got caught in the commute traffic to Bournemouth.
First time in a year in traffic like that and some of the driving was downright dangerous!
Jumping into gaps that were barely big enough for the car to fit into let along having gaps etc.
Happy to be a small town/country driver.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:55:11
Yes he was a bit close but to me looked like he chose his moment to peel his banana at low speed.
I don’t think it warrants reporting to the Police.
I hope you have plenty of time on your hands because if your intention is to post any video where you think the driver is not driving in accordance with the law (or your own standards) you are going to be busy !!!
No I don’t have a rear facing camera (or a front one) but I guess you have your own reasons for getting one.