What good private number plates have you seen lately?
Seen some great plates over the years - my favourite being BMW 635 many years ago around the Blackpool area on (you guessed it) a brand new BMW 635.Seen any good ones recently? I saw one just the other day D8UG Dwith the '8' haveing a screw in the right place to make it look like an 'R' ....Funny thing was the car was being searced by the police when I drove past.Black Land Rover Discovery with black tinted glass.Can't say I was surprised he got pulled! S70 LEN is one that is often round the local area. One of the best plates IMO, really makes you think twice when you see it. G1 POE
I want it  The best ones i know about were owned by Scottish motor tycoon Ian Skelly back in the 80's, when he had the largest VW/Audi franchise in Europe.
He had AUD 1 and VW 1, and i used to see the former on the road from time to time.
Naturally it did not have the correct spacing between D and 1.  Funnily enough, I swear I saw a BMW once in Liverpool with "BMW" as the reg and I assumed it was someone like Ian Skelly driving (or being driven in) it. Saw the infamous DEGSY driving round there a few times too but couldn't care less about that one. Be asking for trouble, that.
Like the bloke along the road, who has ** TAX.
Could be a taxi driver (no taxi plate though), but can't help assuming he's a tax inspector.
In which case, I wouldn't go advertising it. Y5 AVE, on a Bentley which I thought was rather apt. Of course the spacing was completely wrong.... I'm usually good with these, but I'm struggling with this one.
Only thing I can come up with is "Y 5AVE", as in 'WHY SAVE'?
Is that what you mean by apt? Why
If the DVLA issued the plate then obviously they don't, besides which he was on caravan site so there was some irony about it