criggy Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:47

Thanks. Looked great earlier when my brother finished cleaning it. Of course it tipped it down with rain as soon as I pulled out the garage...//

The torque is great and well controlled though I'm limiting myself to 4k revs at the minute. The pull in each gear I liken to a junior XKR/;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

=adrian= Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:47

Thank you mate. Much appreciated.

I'm not using anything fancy. Canon 5d mk2 is my main camera. Those pictures were all taken with Canon's 100mm L Macro lens - I love the details this combo produces.

There is a photo of my products in the detailing thread posted not so long ago.

I've got Autosol already and used it to bring the chrome tailpipe to (almost) like-new condition already. It is quite hard to see in those pictures sadly.

Thank you

apolloa Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:47

Welcome to the club criggy  she only gets better and better trust me 

Cause I'm lazy, I have found a good solution is to wash my car with DoDo Juice Born To Be Mild and then go over the car with DoDo Juice Red Mist Tropical. Nice and easy and it makes the paint lovely and gleemy with protection.

criggy Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:48

Thanks Just gone back in the thread and saw your lovely FW ST.

My brother has told me he'll detail it regularly for free! He's even given me a ton of products to keep it nice and;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Am looking forward to giving her a long run out when I'm on holiday after next week.

apolloa Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:48

Oh yes, get it out on the road mate 
So far I have found you need to get used to the power as although it could do with a bit more, it's also a bit mis-conceiving as those lovely seats hide the acceleration feeling a bit haha. Keep an eye on the speedo! The main thing is the handling, I have steadily built up my confidence in it, it has awesome handling and once you get the hang of it the thing fly's! All up to the speed limit of course.
I am actually thinking of going round a track with it as their is less risk of wildlife then. I haven't turned all the traction control off yet but I have played around in the sport mode and find it to be great.

And your brother will be cleaning it a lot as it's a bit of a bug magnet haha  it's like a fly hoover at night time no matter your speed, or maybe that's what I get for living in Dorset? 

Flawed Tactics Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:48

Love those pictures. You want to come and take some of my car, I'm hopeless behind a lens? lol

Cracking looking car. 

=adrian= Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:48

Thanks mate  Well, that depends where you live

Craig uk Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:48

Excellent pictures Adrian! Reminiscent of Gran Tursimo!

KyleS1 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:48

Adrian - why do you refer to your car as a rust bucket? Have you had any specific issues? How old is it?

=adrian= Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:49

Yes mate. It is only few years old (2009) but it's got a problem with rust already. And I think it's quite bad. Looks like I am really unlucky with this car.

I posted a picture here few days ago of the problem, but decided to take it off since then. I am a bit ashamed that I got shafted so badly. The problem is not on the bodywork but underneath.

I did look under the car before buying it but didn't see anything major. But last week I took one of my front wheels off to investigate something else and was shocked to see how much rust there is behind the wheels, on all parts.

I spoke to the garage already but was told that it would be "very unlikely" that they do something about and help me with the problem. The car is going to the garage tomorrow to fix few other small issues and they said they'll have a look and let their manager know about it and he'd need to make a decision.

To be fair though, I have nobody else to blame but myself. Should have been buying with my head switched on and listen to my gut feeling.

Sorry for long post.

Ps thank you Craig 
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