Also these bitter DC crybaby fanboys can't help rating anything Marvel a 1 out of 10. Infinity War a ONE OUT OF TEN???! Now you're clearly lost.. The first part was a Superhero Master Piece.. Marvel Studios Crown Jewel... Truth is there are so many DC famboy & Marvel Haters... doesn't matter if the movie was amazing, they'll always rate it a 1 out of 10 due to jealously.. it's sad really.. we all know they watch MCU movies... start to feel a lil tingle in their pants and then get angry with themselves for feeling anything for Marvel so they'll go online and vent lies. When they get called out they'll be like
I'm not a DC fanboy!!! I just want to watch a good movie which I.W. was awful..
They'll deny their biased DC loved since they got caught which will eat them up inside and keep the charade up. It's pathetic..
MCU Movies are amazing |