Origin of the name Teresa: Of uncertain etymology, Teresa is generally believed to be derived from the Greek therizein (to reap, to gather in) and thus takes the definition of “harvester.” The first known bearer of the name was the Spanish wife of St. Paulinus, a 5th century Roman bishop of Nola.
Go on, vote for my plan.
Go on, please vote for my plan, you know you want to really.
Oh, Go on, I'll even leave if you do.
Go on,
Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on.........
I suppose this should be in the Politics Forum, but everyone seems to take their own opinions so seriously over there and there's little room for comedy (but plenty for ridicule).
Anyway, this utter shambles has just verified a couple of things for me:
1. Politicians love the sound of their own voices.
2. Our Parliamentary "democracy" is a charade as it's all just an endless battle between the government, MP's, Parties and the Whips.
3. The Tories are not born to rule, even though they seem to think they are. They are as useless as anyone else.
Does anyone with a semblance of sanity care about this anymore?