LOL. Its funny someone should mention Telescopes. I have a 16" Meade Lightbridge Dobsonian Telescope. I've modded it and attached quite a few useful gadgets already. But the coolest of them all is the Servocat Motor drive system I just bought for it. Picture this 6 and half foot tall monster moving by itself. The thing is a gadget in itself, I've covered it in gadgets, the latest gadget motorises it. I just saved 325 euros on the drive systems because it got through customs without incurring duty and VAT (someone was asleep at the wheel ) The 325 euros saving just got spent on the one gadget to rule them all. The iPhone of course.
Now I don't need to use the two line LCD readout and controls on the servocat controller itself, I don't need to bring my laptop with planetarium software to tell me whats in the sky or control the scope. I just boot up SkyVOyager planetarium app on the iphone, pan around the sky with my finger, see something I like, pull up info on it and if I want to look at it through the scope I just tap the object on the iPhone screen and it sends the commands to the scope motor via the wifi and the huge scope slews around to the object all by itself like a surface to air missile battery! 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca1ibos/sets/72157621900605125/ |