
Nah, in all seriousness, Quins turned up on the day and knew what they wanted to do. They played the most attacking rugby for 80 minutes, we only showed flashes of what we can do, and the strangest yellow card ever in terms of how blatant it was!!
All too often this season Tigers have left it very late to start playing, we got away with it at Sarries when we played at their place, and we got away with it against London Irish at their place - but on Saturday afternoon we didn't. Mind you, if Barnes (who is a shocking referee whoever you support, and you can see why he has been taken off the international board of refs, but that's another discussion) had of let the play drift on in those final phases a little (like he had all game, but not when we needed it!) and not penalised Twelvetrees, I couldn't see Quins doing what Sarries did last year and holding out for 36 phases of rugby.
Yes, you can call me bitter 
As I said though, well played to Quins and I was happy to shake any Quins fan's hand after the game on Saturday. It's just a shame Danny Care can't keep his life clean as I'd really like the bloke otherwise, and I'd view him as a perfect England scrum half.
Anyway, well played Quins, but you won't get it again next year  |