I have just had the functions organiser on the phone to confirm everything for next week so all we need now is some decent weather
As the first tee time is 9.56, I am aiming to get there between 8.30 - 8.45 ready for the bacon sarnie
When you arrive at the club, if you go in the main door, the pro shop is immediately to the left and the bar area (which is where the coffee and sandwiches will be) is through the doors next to the pro shop
If anyone wants to get there earlier, there is a driving range behind the club house for those who want to loosen up before stepping onto the first tee
I know most of us already know each other, but in case drunkenjoiner doesn't know anyone, I will also be wearing a 'Hackers Paradise' cap - although I wouldn't be surprised to see Rob wearing his shorts so just look for him... 
You should all have received a PM with my mobile number, but if I have missed anyone, let me know and I will send it over |