I actually meant lean more than big. I'm just over 6'4" and very broad (typical rugby build without the fat) and I know there is no way (even if my leg was up to it), I could run a marathon or try an Iron man or at least not without serious months of conditioning as endurance stuff is a totally different ball game to everything else. There's a few in my gym who keep asking me to give it (or even a triathlon) a go but I simply can't as the running aspect would destroy my leg and stop me dead.
Some of the lads who compete in IM's in the in the gym are big lads but, they are all fairly narrow shouldered (not top heavy) and don't carry too much body fat. Hat's off to you two guys though as they are tough events.
Two things I always fancied doing were the tough mudder challenge and the Empire State Building stair climb but I know my leg wouldn't take either so I'm stuck to low impact high intensity cardio, road cycling and swimming.
@themoid, being a similar size to me, don't you suffer joint or back pain from the stress you're putting on your lower body over such a long event? Or is it something your body is used to now? |