The 25-year-old has been in an induced coma since he collapsed face first on the pitch on Tuesday when he was hit by a bouncer bowled by New South Wales' Sean Abbott during day one of the Sheffield Shield. Click to expand...
Other cricketers have had similar injuries in the past, let's hope he makes a full recovery like they did. Got hit on the base of the skull, according to the experts it's just about the worst place to get hit.
Here in Oz its massive news. Cannot avoid it. There is quite a nice campaign going of "put your bat out" to show support.
The bowler is devastated and now there is a strong rally of support for him. Not his fault and he deserves support.
Blow caused arterial damage which produced a major bleed into the brain.
Helmet design tries to cover all the angles but it is sometimes difficult to fully protect yet allow the sportsman to retain full flexibility of movement so inevitably there are compromises.
I feel sorry for the bowler and the way he must feel. Of course he has no blame whatsoever. IT was a freak accident but I suspect that is scant consolation for him.