So popped into Jessops and handled both cameras and found the Nikon better in the hand and also decent focus as well. I also went to an independent dealer and pretty much got the same advice I got here. So will start with 2 lenses. Jessops have the Nikon at 589 which is cheaper than Argos and the likes . I know the Nikon will leave me £11 richer but hey I am gonna go for it and spend more on a bigger lense. So will up the budget.
Haha sorry. Didn't see the 7100, but saw the 7200. A little expensive though, since I haven't bought anything yet, I will check the 7000 series b4 using the bank card. Ideally the 5600 is ample enough for a beginner.
The D5600 is certainly ample for the beginner, and enthusiast alike. The reason that I suggested the D7100 is that you can find it £450 used in excellent condition and it's got a number of features that put it a class above the D5600 allowing you to grow without having to upgrade the body. That way you can concentrate on lenses if and when you decide you want better ones.
I have noticed one thing, every time I am walking around Canterbury and other areas of Kent, I seem to see Nikon DSLRs majority of the time. So there has to be something about Nikon and they are doing it right...