Yes, my desktop never get above 50 degrees when photoshopping.
I have lifted the back end of the laptop yesterday and rested it on a couple of magazines, so that it doesn't lay flat on the desk and it only hit 92C max, but it is still way too hot. Granted, it is summer, it is quite stuffy in my studio, window was shut, but I plan to be taking it abroad with me, and often it will be even warmer outside and I can't really be focusing on heat management while I need to get some work done. I will be doing some more testing today, once I finish with the podcast, but other than opening the window and lifting the laptop off the desk, I have no ideas really on how to improve things.
There are plenty of aftermarket cooler pads, but I cannot be lugging that with me abroad. They are bigger than the laptop itself. I already have the laptop (which is quite heavy) and my wacom tablet in my backpack, plus all the accessories plus additional stuff. Besides, it will look quite strange if I unload all of my hardware onto a cafe table when on holiday and start working... with a bunch of fans whirring like a jet engine There are also fans on the market that suck the hot air out of the laptop, they are smaller in size, but they require side vents, while I only have vents on the bottom and back. I'm kind of stuck |