Yes. It's supposed to be pretty good and if you only want the calories / workout, then it's great for running. As someone who has stopped running for time and taking the GPS watch, the Apple Watch is a great compromise. I haven't tried without my phone, but maybe I'll take the Apple Watch and GPS Watch just for giggles and see how close they are.
For those who still want the accuracy of GPS, then firstly, nothing beats a GPS Watch - those RunKeeper type apps on your phone only sample GPS. This means your route may get slightly smoothed out and if you're serious about times, can make a few seconds difference on pace per mile (the phone will make you seem slower, as it cuts corners, making distance covered shorter in the same time period). GPS watches keep a lock. You can see every detail of your run with perfectly accurate timing.
Lastly, if you do want to keep running with the phone with you (or want to do so a few times for calibration), this clever little holder is a) cheap and b) secure and comfy even for larger phones. No stupid velcro too tight / too loose and device agnostic. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00I788TLY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00 |