I’ve never looked into it but I would imagine WB can only ‘correct’ things so far. At the end of the day we’re talking a completely different light source/spectrum reflecting off various surfaces and colours and I would guess that cameras, software, and WB simply can’t adjust for every colour reflected off the various surfaces. Also in extreme situations like this you’re asking a camera/software to produce a colour that isn’t there. Take the blue for example, we know what colour the blue is but the reflected ‘blue’ is different under tungsten and the correct tones of the blue might not be reflected for the camera to capture.
Now this is just me thinking out loud and it could be nonsense, but it’s also why I don’t believe the widely regarded rule that you don’t need to worry about WB settings when shooting raw as you can correct in post. Yes you can most of the time, but in extreme situations I’m not sure you can fully. You can’t get colours that weren’t there/were being ‘masked’ at the time of the shot without some serious photoshop skills. |