Does not matter at all, a product has a warranty period, and that warranty is valid no matter how many times it changes hands, they will have you believe different with the disclaimers, which are not worth the paper the are written on, they are not above the law, however whether it's worth the hassle to take them to a small claims court etc is another matter, and that normally where most throw in the towel, and just go and buy a new one, even when a product has run out of warranty, the are obliged to help you up to a period of 6 years, again defining help is debatable, so in essence, buy from eBay without original POF, slim to zero chance, with POF lets just say originally bought from Overclockers.co.uk, very good chance of getting a warranty repair done.
Im not saying its as clear cut as its sounds, but that is the law, again whether its worth it?? for it would depend on the value |