You don't need to use a VPN service provider to create a VPN - all you need it the technology to create the endpoints and establish the link between them. We do it all the time in business to, for example, create secure links between offices without having to buy expensive leased lines, facilitate secure access back to home base (the company) for our "road warriors." (Though I prefer other mechanisms for the latter such as Citrix or similar remote access.)
If you create a VPN endpoint in your home, institute some mechanism to "find" your home network such as a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) name registration, and utilise client device with either the right software or apps to create VPN endpoint, you can make your own VPN for nothing to "connect back home" from elsewhere.
It's an opinion; but I think a lot of the hype about VPN Services is a bit "snake oiley." There are good uses for a VPN Service, such as evading geo-locking, but the idea that using a VPN Service make using the Internet "safe" is laughable. All an Internet based VPN Service does is change where your traffic ingress/egresses the public Internet from where you are to somewhere else. (As a consequence, it could even make it slower if it ends up traveling further.) But I confess, I've done little research into VPN service providers, so maybe I'm missing something fundamental about the service offering. |