Presumably the TV only accepts 3840x2160 over HDMI 2.0?
The cheapest cards currently on sale that support that output are the RX550 and GT 1030.
I'd check the TV supports 60hz input, some of the earlier ones (and 48" was more used in the early years) only supported 4K at 30hz from external sources, which your current card should be capable of.
It's also worth checking whether your integrated graphics are capable of it. A lot of systems need to be fairly new to play back 4K video. If it can output [email protected] via DisplayPort then a DP to HDMI converter is another solution.
Hi @EndlessWaves, thanks for the pointers and apologies for the delay in getting back, but I've been messing about with the issue.
Correct...see below
Don't why I said it was 48"'s only a 40" (doh!)?? And again you're right, it's 3yrs old so is only accepting 4K 30hz...but my current card doesn't do 4K at all (I did say it was an oldie )
Which got me looking at my systems specs. I found that my motherboard (Asus Z87 Pro) supports onboard 4K (via the i4770k's GPU) at 30hz so happy days
I've ended up running a HDMI cable from the onboard port to the TV, and left one from the Radeon HD5700 card to my 1080p monitor (to save over-taxing the CPU by running both displays - it probably wouldn't anyway, but thought I may as well do so. It works OK in any case...)
It may be that the drivers are too old to have a [email protected] preset and would work with a custom resolution, or it may be that some or all of the 5770 cards didn't have the full bandwidth available.
It sounds like you've got a setup that works though, so there's no point in fiddling around with it.