My motherboard is in the process of dying so I figure that now or rather in a few weeks is a perfect time to upgrade my setup. Gpu, power supply etc I will all carry over so it’s just a recommendation on mb and cpu I’m after.
I’m leaning towards a ryzen 7 gen 3 when they come out next month to go with my 1080ti gpu but that is where my knowledge ends
Does anyone have a recommendation as to which one to go for? I like to get 4 to 5 years out of my pc builds so would rather get a cpu etc that is above my requirements now so as it can still handle things in the future.
Mb wise I need a board that can support an m.2 and u.2 hard drives. Budget around £800 for cpu and mb £200 to £300 for fan and ram
Not sure if I will overclock again.
Any recommendations
Just realized how tough that's going to be to answer as most of the info available at this time is Ryzen 7 2nd gen stuff. Lots of info on the gen 3 CPU but little on MB's so you might be waiting a while.
Having done a bit more reading it seems that Asrock have confirmed new BIOS Updates To Support AMD Ryzen 3000 Series Processors for ASRock AM4 Series MB's. So the two X470's listed here would be good boards. Take a look at the links:
AMD's X570 platform has earned the distinction of being the first mainstream platform to offer PCIe Gen4 support for the new Ryzen 3rd gen CPUs. 16 PCIe Gen4 lanes for I/O, four dedicated lanes to the CPU, and support for better memory overclocking, the X570 chipset is currently AMD's flagship offering for the Ryzen 3000 platform. However rumour has it that there is an X590 chipset in the offing that will provide more PCIe lanes than the X570. But I wouldn't wait around for that to come to the market.
Meanwhile will take a look at other manufactures and see what is out there.
Looks as though your better off waiting for the AMD X570 chipset boards to be released. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to buy these MB's at the moment, any "where to buy links" on their sites lead to nowhere. The only issue with that is you would be amongst the first users should any issuse arise. Asrocks X470 MB's, with updated BIOS for Ryzen 7 gen 3, would probably offer at least the safety net of tried and tested hardware.
Also with the advent of the Ryzen 9 3950x about to release in September and DDR5 memory modules at the end of the year, I would say your in one of those periods where it might just be advisable to hang fire for a little while. You can read all about these on the following site, which is always useful for a good look into what's going on:
Thanks for the links and info @techquest I really appreciate it
I can hopefully wait to the 7th of July when the new processors get released but not much more past that as the motherboard is starting to fall in more and more things.
I’m currently leaning towards 3800x or 3900x (price depending) both well above what I need but should last me a good few years.
I to have been struggling to find prices or even manuals on the boards to, so I’ll try to hang off as long as possible as you advise
Your welcome. Either of those processors will be good I'm sure. Hopefully your current MB will hold out and not force you into an early decision. Whatever you get please let us know. Meanwhile I will keep my eye on any further developments.
I don't know what your budget is but the ASUS MB is rated amongst the top. I have bought from both Scan and CCL and have nothing but good service from both. They are also good suppliers to look at as bench marks for an MB's etc as they have lots to offer. You might get cheaper deals if you shop around but what quality of service is behind the deal.
Well I would love the Gigabyte Aorus Extreme as there is no fan on the board, but realistically I can't push the budget that high
About £450 ish is the budget, the fans on the boards do worry me as a point of failure, so I'm happy to pay extra for the boards that have smart fans that only run when required and are extra well made.
That will leave me about £200 left for a new case. Then in about 3 months time I'll upgrade the cooler and probably power supply and start overclocking .
I'll be buying from scan simply because of there accident damage insurance in case I drop the cpu etc, never needed it, but at £450 odd for the cpu its a too big a risk not too for me
Yeah at a grand for the Gigabyte Aorus Extreme I didn't include it.
Your case will be an important decision to make for sure so looks like you have a bit of a schedule ahead of you with all you want to do over the next few months.
Yes Scan, with the amount you'll be spending, is a no-brainer and accidents happen when you least expect them.
Will take a look at what's available for your MB budget of circa £450.