Well, you do sound to be in a pickle, where in the uk are you. Just transferring hard drives is not really feasible, data recovery would be your best option. DO NOT go to a data recovery outfit, they charge the earth, but that is the worst case scenario. Sorry, just read you are in South London so that rules me out. I'm in Lancashire. But listen, I'm an established tv engineer, and it does sound like a psu issue. Bad ESR caps for example, but this is a job for qualified engineers, depending on the age of your system a new psu MIGHT cure your issues. It's likely to be an ATX supply. If you have any common sense regarding safety in electronics you may be able to sort your pc. As I said, from previous experience, cap failure is likely but you must understand mains voltage is unforgiving. If you reply to this post we can swap E-mails and get you back on air.
Take care.
Tony Walker |