Hey Mr. T,
"Electricity is electricity!" ?
Oh, tell me about it!
Here in Deep East Texas, the humidity coming North from The Gulf of Mexico, combines with the respiration of the Pine Trees in the World's Largest Pineywood Forest, creating a NORMAL "relative humidity" of never less than 80%, and in many instances 100% (without precipitation).
This creates a condition called "Clammy", where when one perspires, the perspiration won't evaporate, causing one's clothing to get soaking wet, with the moisture being at body temperature (98.6 degrees). This is a completely miserable feeling!
Combine that with the temperatures in the Summer (during the day) being between 90 and 100 degrees (and sometimes even higher than the "century" mark), and "keeping cool" is, as you termed it "a bit of a problem".
The NORMAL solution, used by "almost" EVERYONE is Air Conditioning, which not only cools the air, but dehumidifies is.
The KEY word in the previous paragraph is "almost", as I personally eschew the use of air conditioning, in the house, and in both the automobile here.
MS. AMERICAN 3.14159
MS. AMERICAN 3.14159
"So (you might ask), both why do you do this, and how do you survive it?"
Why is because: 1) a Summer WITH A/C costs nearly $700.00. 2) It isn't good for one's lungs.
The How is by 1) Becoming conditioned so that 100 Degrees at 100% Humidity is quite comfy. And 2) Having air moving wherever one is.
And to achieve that condition, have Box Fans that are turned on wherever I happen to be in the house. Much less expensive than A/C, promotes evaporation of perspiration making it quite cool and comfortable.
And about A/C in the vehicles, we have what is called 4/60 AC! Open four windows and drive 60 MPH!
One does what one has to do. Fortunately, here the Panasonic AG DVC10P wasn't intended to be used for anything other than recording The Crystalume, which is done in The Light/Vusic Studio and so it can ALWAYS be connected to its Charger which is connected to the AC Electrical Outlet. Easy peasy.
Anyway, am apprehensive about highjacking Stearman65's thread, and hope that he will forgive this bit of an aside. Hope this finds HIM, and YOU doing well.
PS: To Mr. Stearman65: There is at the bottom of YOUR posts, a hyperlink to YouTube that when clicked on takes one to the SENSATIATION play list. Is that intentional? If it is, thanks for exposure. |