This question raises the issue of PC specs. . . . ideally you want a fast processor - recently "BitCoin" has cornered CPU's, so there is a World-shortage. . . . no doubt the situation will return to normal.
You need a fast motherboard( go for a big-one rather than a miniature which can be cramped ... ideally one that will take a SSD for the operating system - something like 300G is sufficient - these have their own MBO connection. For storage you need at least two HDDs - something like 4Tb each - if you want RAID, then this increases the cost of storage.
External drive for back-up safety and a card-reader - external ports should be USB3 mostly. Internally SATA connections are useful for expansion of HDDs.
The graphics card need not be top-spec ( reserved for 3D gamers), but something like £100 should do. Then there is Memory: The more -modern is usually faster but you need to watch the MBO spec... something 8Gb or less is too little, whereas over 16Gb is probably too much. Make sure you have enough fans. Personally I prefer my PC case not to have LED lighting, windows, etc.
Most Video-Editors will allow you to merge two files - there are several ways to do this - you can merge video at the same time as Audio - or you can merge the audio just moments before the video changes ( but your second clip needs to have a source of this brief audio ). There are many means of merging the video - a jump-cut is immediate, or you can involve many forms of Transition . . . you can dissolve one scene into the next ( this is easy on the eye )... Or you can include Cinema favourites like a clock-wipe ( suggesting later-on ), or "slide" where the new scene pushing in. There are many that hold some arty effect like "juggle" where the new scene moves about the screen until it settles . . . IMHO these are annoying. Expect more than a dozen and each of these will be variable! Another transition is to take the screen to a colour - anything from white through colours, greys to black . . . you preset this colour. Then quickly, or slowly transition to the new video. I like this when it's another misty morning, by setting the colour to pale-grey. You can add effects like brightness / contrast / blur /film scratches = too many to list, but done with CARE! can be effective once!
Just be sure your PC is up to the New 4K Editing program - many offer a 30-day trial which should allow you to get started . . . . but if you've not done this before it may mean doing tutorials on YTube - which can vary in quality.
I still use HD so my Movie Studio v12 is good and has about 20 "show me how" where you have to use your mouse to move through the tutorial. This forces you to learn the screen-positions. This software is now owned by Magix and they also sell the Pro-version "Vegas" - not hugely expensive but similar in layout, so you could "Move-up" if you desire even more special features - and some are really useful.
If you get the Suite ( now renamed?) then you get additional programs - one in particular Sound Forge Studio, integrated with my Editor...so I can select a film clip, take the audio to work on it and return it to the Editor - then you can swap this for the original. Audacity is a free program for audio-fixes, but I prefer SF for editing and sound-level purposes.... esp. as it is easy to extract the audio from a video-file. Audacity is particularly good for cleaning-up audio, provided it's not too bad in the first place. Record twice, edit once.
All Editors allow music to be added and audio levels changed, along with too-many fonts for TEXT - useful for Titles.
.....Hope that helps.... |