I usually leave the camera in iA mode i.e. fully automatic. Again it is worth experimenting with both modes. I suppose it is whether I feel that I know better or the camera knows better, in most cases the camera wins.
As mentioned before I use the facilities in the video editor to improve the picture. It amazes me that the camera records so much detail in the dark areas. An area that, in the raw video, looks completely dark reveals so much when the brightness is increased. Clearly this can "burn out" the brighter parts of the picture if overdone but, as is often the case, as the whole picture area is dull, lifting the brightness usually improves the full picture. My experience with this technique resulted from Halloween events which, by their nature, are dimly lit and I have also successfully recorded an eclipse of the moon.
Incidentally I have also used the Time Lapse and Slow-motion options, on the camera, a number of times and find them quite useful.
You probably have a favourite video editor. I use Corel's VideoStudio Ultimate 2019 ('cos it's simple ) and find that with HD it will do most of what I want. |