I agree. It is well worth investing in the Dot/Tplink combo. Easy voice control that way. The Dot isn't exactly expensive and Alexa now controls my plugs and Hue lights.
I have some av equipment, recorders, harmony charger, harmony hub, I leave on standby. Other stuff, amp, tv, subwoofer, could be switched off when an activity ends. This needs automation via the harmony, so using an echo is not an option.
I have two sets of plugs. One is connected to the smart plug and switches off the main AV equipment on request via Alexa. The other is just permanently on for router, TiVo, TV etc...
The plug is in my garage and yet maintains a signal a works with no issues.
I also have some TP Link plugs which are very good but the convenience of having these integrated into Hue and controllable using the various hue accessories is worth it.
I bought a couple of these on your recomendation, I have added them to the hue bridge as on/off lights but when I put them through to the harmony app they wont switch on (if i manually switch them on by the physical button I can turn them off on the harmony app but not back on)
Where is the plug located and how many other Hue devices do you have? Hue is a mesh network so the more devices the better. My plug is in my spearate detached garage but I ha e a load of bulbs at the back of the house and 3 bulbs in the garage itself so the plug still gets a decent signal.
Does it work correctly using the Philips app or other control methods. Mine gets controlled either by the app, by a hue dimmer switch or by voice using Google assistant which all work perfectly. I don't have a harmony remote myself,. If it's working fine at all other times then I can only think your issue is harmony specific, I presume harmony is working correctly for your other hue bulbs.
The plug is in the living room which is the same location of 1 hue bulb and the hue bridge. The hue bridge sees it without any problems but cant switch it on, think I might try add it to a SmartThings hub and see how it goes from there
If it's not turning on just using the Hue App could it possibly be a faulty plug? Might be worth resetting the plug and pairing it again. Of course it's always worth doing the usual tech support fix before trying anything so maybe also try restarting the hue bridge.