Yes but BTicino do not make it easy. Checking the state of booleans' would make life a lot easier.
I have Screen10 panel. It can show if an actuator is open or closed. Normally that would be to show if a light is on or off. I used some spare actuators connected to nothing and set them to open or close depending on a boolean state. So I get a green indicator if a Boolean is true. I only do this for really important booleans eg Master off, auto run.
A slight problem with that is the display shows the boolean indicator as switch and someone... not saying who ....could switch it on/off by mistake... So, I used another scenario and the boolean to switch it immediately back to reflect the correct boolean state... A nice but more expensive way would be to use a Basic contact interface module as well as actuator. The screen10 can show the state of the contact module and user cannot accidentally change the state on the panel.
Its possible to set the start conditions for several scenarios to be the same and use 'only if' condition to decide which one is actually run.
A tip for debugging. The web admin page of the MH202 shows which scenarios are currently running. |