The only other alternative would be set up a DMX system, but this will neither be cheap or the elegant solution that you desire. Using a Fibaro ZWave RGBW module you can have 4 physical switches (one for each channel) which will allow some basic RGBW on/off plus channel mixing - R and B on gives purple etc, but beyond that, as @xxGBHxx has said, you either need to look at Crestron or tablet control.
I have Hue Controlled (Dresden Elektronik FL-PP Zigbee controller) LED strips in my cinema room (for bias lighting) that I control using a HUE stick up switch with 4 different predetermined colours. In my kitchen I have a Fibaro RGBW module, with the white channel on the main wall switch and the other 3 channels on 3 hidden switches, under the cabinets (although its easier just to tell Alexa what colour I want). In all honesty, except for a little showing off, when guests come round or for parties, I rarely use the kitchen colours. |