You have a fixed code receiver on 433MHz. You can buy learning remotes but without the original remote there is nothing to learn!
I would buy a small two channel remote and receiver with two buttons for open and close.
The new remote receiver has two channels (open and close) operating two relays.
Connect relay contacts for open to your terminals T14 and T13
Connect second relay contacts for closing to terminals T14 and T15. (use normally open)
This is labelled 'comms' on your control board.
You have 12 volts power for the receiver on T10 positive (red) T11 negative (black)
This would do. 3 remotes included. Use in jog mode, not latch by the way.
Gate Garage Opener Relay Wireless Remote Control Switch Transmitter Receiver Kit | eBay Jog/Non-Latched: Press one button is Working /ON. Inter-lock /Latched: Press one button is working/ON, press another button is stop/OFF. Modulation mode: ASK. Encode mode: Learning code(1527). Decoding mode: MCU software decoding. www.ebay.co.uk |