creating a new thread since there seems to be a bunch on the same topic - i assume a moderator may redirect me.
just got my Ring Pro working after several hours of struggling with it.
I bought a ring 1 on prime day last year.....after researching i returned it to Ring plus paid another $99 for Ring Prodecided to upgrade my doorbell transformer before starting based on research- original was 40 years old - hard to find in a basement joist, easy to replace $20.didn't know that DC doorbell chimes are not compatible - not in any literature in the Pro box - so when i hooked up everything my chimes rang continuously.did some research and called Ring Cust Support and based on their advice bought a digital chime on the approved list - Hampton Bay from Home Depot $45.installed and it chimed continuously, no straight answers from Ring Customer support except to ask me to send them pics of my wires.....i realize that would be waste of time.Returned the new 'Ring compatible' doorbell and bought a Ring Chime - have to plug it in but i figured it would would work best with the pro.Ring Customer support gave me bypass instructions that did not work / did not make sense / could tell they were basically reading a script.Ring Customer support after 5 calls and 5 strikeouts is limited in their ability so i had to just do some trial and error.I hooked up my old doorbell and wired it the same as before - put the ring power pack on the doorbell - not on the transformer, did not do any bypass stuff they recommend, i did not put the diode back on the ring pro.After 8 hours all together i got everything to work - its not easy but i guess every house is different - doesn't help when cust service can't tell you why the approved doorbells ring continuously.so i have a new Ring Pro, new transformer, new Ring Chime - video seems really clear, so far so good....hopefully this will help someone else. |