I found myself sometimes forgetting to switch off my system at the end of the night and was concerned about the environmental angle.
I bought one of these countdown timer switches and plugged my powerbar into it so that all components were switched off after 3 hours (you can set it to different times).
I have the wired button subtly positioned next to the amp. You just press that button when you first want power or if you want to extend by another 3 hours. (long presss it switches the whole thing off - without having to reach round the back)
Lowenergie Energy saving countdown timer switch socket with remote wire, rundown auto power off 3,6,10hr, conserve electricity: Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools Lowenergie Energy saving countdown timer switch socket with remote wire, rundown auto power off 3,6,10hr, conserve electricity: Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools www.amazon.co.uk
I hoped the single socket switch off wouldn't cause electrical issues (rather than powering off all components individually with their buttons) but couldn't see how it would and it seems fine.
Now if I forget to switch off the system in the evening, I come in the next morning, everything is off and the world is a little less worse off... |