Hi, I own a Denon RCD-M41DAB CD Receiver and am looking to purchase a compatible record deck so that I can play my old vinyl records. I'm planning to spend up to £400. Any suggestions?
Your Denon has just one line-in for analogue. You would therefore have to purchase a TT with it's own pre amp built in, or buy a standalone one. A £400 TT could very well show up the limitations of the Denon as an amp and I would look at replacing it in the future with a good quality standalone integrated.
Rega make very good TTs and the Planar 1 would easily be within your budget allowing for a pre-amp. I would be hesitant to spend any more on a TT with the Denon.
Rega Planar 1 Turntable with Rega Carbon Cartridge | Rega | Audio T Rega Planar 1 Turntable with Rega Carbon Cartridge - Incredible quality on offer from this entry level turntable from Rega complete with cartridge www.audiot.co.uk Project Phonobox 2 | Project Audio | Audio T The Project Phonobox 2 is remarkable value for its reasonable asking price, available at Audio T online and in store www.audiot.co.uk
Cheap and cheerful is the Marantz TT5005 which has a pre-amp in built. Marantz TT5005 Richer Sounds exclusive model. The Marantz TT5005 is the perfect plug and play turntableReady to go, straight out of the boxIf you're looking for a quality brand of turntable that's easy to set-up and use, then the Marantz TT5005 is ideal. www.richersounds.com
Shame, I bought a Linn Axis/Basik plus second hand, upgraded the cartridge and reading reviews it would be on par, if not better than the Rega planar 3. I could recommend this route if second hand was an option, very sweet combination with my Rega phono preamp.