So I compared my Monitor Audio Bronze 2 with Dynaudio 2/6. Firstly, i found that the Dynaudios worked very well with Rotel, despite being 6 ohms, sounding powerful and musical, and I kept Rotel's volume knob at the nearly the same position that I keep when connected to Bronze 2.
Then I tried to compare Dynaudio with Bronze 2, using some tracks from Smith's 'Hateful of Hollow' 2011 remaster CD and Yes 'Fragile' 2003 remaster.
Maybe because of it's smaller woofer size, Dynaudio 2/6 seemed to sound overall better to my small and acoustically untreated room. It sounded full even at low volume, giving a general sense of presence, and it has musical midrange and highs.
Bronze 2 seems to sound better, or fuller, when I pushed the amp to a little louder volume. But to my surprise, the bass sounded surprisingly more defined. I could easily hear more bass details from 'This Charming Man', and more defined drums from 'How Soon Is Now', even distinguished the kick drum and snare despite the heavy reverb effect. And could hear more defined bass from Yes 'Fragile' album also.
I know I am comparing two different classes of speakers, with different original prices, but found the Bronze 2 a 'no turning back' point because of the surprising low end definition. So now I am curious to hear a smaller Monitor Audio speaker. Well, I think the search for an ideal audio system will never end. But will keep the Rotel amp.  |