I have auditioned Quad Vena II (with Quad S-2 speakers and Audiolab 6000CDT) and Audiolab 6000A (same speakers, transport and room) a week ago. Both are fine sounding amps, but I do prefer the 6000A to the Vena. There was another listener/customer in the room, so we exchanged our impressions and we easily came to the same conclusion. The Vena sounded a bit thin with some CDs which otherwise do not sound thin through my CXA60 at home. The 6000A sounded to me more "fluid" and "musical". The salesguy was quite enthusiastic about the Audiolab, too, although the two amps should have a similar price.
Audiolab 6000A with Wharfedale Evo 4.4 is another combination I liked.
I have never listened to a Cyrus or an Arcam, though. |