Yes... Yes.. I forgot about all that... What a waste of cash! The only game I've really put some serious hours in on the PS3 was GTAV; and that was mainly drinking beers with my mate and using cheats, then it came out on the PC and the PS3 was pretty much consigned to death.
My Mrs. used the PS3 as a bluray/DVD player, ejected the permanent home of GTAV and then my beautiful, little cherub of a daughter got her hands on my disc and it's in tatters. Looks like I can't hand that into Game. All hail digital downloads #MasterRace
I had this grandiose idea that I'd play The Last of Us, Uncharted, MGS4, etc. I'd relive my Sony Playstation childhood. I'd sit down with their slightly awkward controller and play Sony exclusives. I was so stoked I even bought that PS thing for a year [and it rolled over into the next year; yes, I paid for it, then subsequently forgot all about it and didn't pick up any of the 'free' games - the subscription just ran out last month!]
I even have the God of War Saga as well, which is like 5 games? I even bought the 'new' one for the PS3 (I think it's Ascension?) and that's still in its' plastic wrapper.
Oh, and I put in about 2 hours on The Last of Us - From what I remember, it was tremendous. A complete masterpiece on the PS3... It's just a shame I never gave it the time of day. |